In this video I will show you how to get the katana and how you use it, in Sons of The Forest. 🙂 (Version EarlyAccess.33592)
How to get the Katana:
Before starting the walkthrough, you need to find the cave’s location on the GPS tracker. When you get there, approach the entrance and press “E” to enter. (Be careful, as enemies are inside the cave and will attack you if they see you).
Follow the path shown in the video. When you reach the locked doors, use the Guest Keycard to unlock them and continue into the underground building.
Go down two sets of stairs until you see a yellow door. Open it by holding “E”. Then, a cutscene will play, and once it’s over, keep following the path shown in the video.
Go down two more flights of stairs and pass through the door with a big white “2” next to it on the wall. Walk through the first room, proceed to the second room and look for the door with a broken table outside. Go through the door and into the room, you will see the Katana (placed in a sword stand), in the middle of the room. Pick up the katana by pressing “E”.
How to use the Katana:
Block with the Katana by holding “right mouse button”.
Press “left mouse button” to do a light attack.
Hold “left mouse button” to do a heavy attack.
Look down on the ground and hold “left mouse button” to stab the ground.