GW2 Wizard’s Vault easy objectives
Complete four random daily objectives every day to complete the Wizard’s Vault: Daily Completionist. This achievement rewards you with 10 Achievement Points (AP) each day until the 15,000 limit for daily achievement points is reached.
Down below you will find a list categorized with waypoints for easy access.
Copy the waypoint code (it looks like this [&BKUDAAA=] ← this is just an example) then paste the code into your Guild Wars 2 in-game chat. Click on the waypoint in chat and easily travel to the correct waypoint. Super useful, fast and simple! GW2 Easy Wizard’s Vault Daily. GW2 Wizard’s Vault Easy Dailies.
Easy daily objectives 
Each daily objective rewards 10 on completion, while the Log In daily awards 5
Complete 1 Event in Cantha
Arborstone Arborstone Waypoint — [&BGMNAAA=]
Defeat the Kestrel master, Tsuko Talonedge (80).
A hero challenge event.
Complete 1 Event in the Horn of Maguuma
Skywatch Archipelago Beacon of Ages Waypoint — [&BCsOAAA=]
Do a rift event in Skywatch Archipelago. (Kryptis Rift).
Amnytas Bastion of the Natural Waypoint — [&BDQOAAA=]
Do a rift event in Amnytas. (Kryptis Rift).
Complete 3 Events
There are often multiple shorter events in Meta Events.
The Silverwastes Camp Resolve Waypoint — [&BH8HAAA=]
RIBA-Farming in The Silverwastes allows players to quickly participate in numerous events.
Amnoon Farms Amnoon Waypoint — [&BLsKAAA=]
Give aid to the refugees at Marifa Camp (80) Bring donated food to hungry refugee children, bring fresh water to thirsty refugee workers and thirsty refugees, bring medical supplies to hurt refugees, and/or revive refugee farmworkers.
Pact Vanguard Soul’s Vendetta Waypoint — [&BIMLAAA=]
Prepare the Pact camp for battle (80) Pick up Branded Shards and throw them on the Testing Dummies. You can throw a branded shard on 2 dummies at once.
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
View a Vista in Cantha
Seitung Harbor Village Waypoint — [&BJ4MAAA=]
Southwest on the large balcony.
View a Vista in the Crystal Desert
Free City of Amnoon Amnoon Waypoint — [&BLsKAAA=]
South, easy to reach with springer or skyscale.
Elona Reach Temple of Kormir Waypoint — [&BEAKAAA=]
To the west.
Stampede Uplands Highjump Ranch Waypoint — [&BJ0KAAA=]
To the west. easy to reach with springer or skyscale.
View a Vista in the Heart of Maguuma
Jaka Itzel Jaka Itzel Waypoint — [&BOAHAAA=]
Walk up the branch to the south west of the waypoint.
View a Vista in the Horn of Maguuma
Droknar’s Light Droknar’s Light Waypoint — [&BL4NAAA=]
Use springer or skyscale to reach the vista above the waypoint.
Break 1 Enemy’s Defiance Bar Combat Training Waypoint — [&BEoFAAA=]
Heart of the Mists
Enter the PvP lobby and attack a Champion Target Golem – Heavy. If you have the Siege Turtle, use skill 1 (Slam) or use skill 1 (Cannonball) on the Springer.
Create 1 Item with the Mystic Forge
• Combine 4 cheap dyes in the mystic forge.
• Combine 4 cheap medallions in the mystic forge.
• Combine 4 cheap blue items in the mystic forge.
Participate in an Activity
Eastern Ward Gate Hub Plaza Waypoint — [&BBEEAAA=]
Go to the west and slightly south and talk to Activity Lead Cassi.
You don’t have to win or actively play, you only need to be present at the end of a round to qualify for participation.
Perform 3 Combo Skills in Combat
Heart of the Mists Combat Training Waypoint — [&BEoFAAA=]
Enter the PvP lobby and use combo skills on the target golems.
Shing Jea Monastery Monastery Waypoint — [&BL8MAAA=]
Go to the Training Grounds (Seitung Province) and attack Trainer Raji in the Instructor-Assisted Combo Field.
Easy weekly objectives 
Each weekly objective rewards 40 upon completion.
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
All icons belong to the official Guild Wars 2 Wiki.
GW2 Easy Daily Achievement (OLD DAILY)
Complete three random daily achievements every day to complete the Daily Completionist Achivement. This achievement awards you 10 Achievement Points(AP) each day.
Down below you will find every zone categorized with waypoints for easy access.
Copy the waypoint code (it looks like this [&BKUDAAA=] ← this is just an example) then paste the code into your Guild Wars 2 in-game chat. Click on the waypoint in chat and easily travel to the correct waypoint. Super useful, fast and simple! GW2 Easy Daily. GW2 Easy Dailies.

All Mustering Ground Waypoint — [&BKUDAAA=]
Hero’s Canton Charr home instance with sufficient number of nodes with vista to the north-west.
Forager Loreclaw Waypoint — [&BMcDAAA=]
Potato patch to the south.
Lumberer Apostate Waypoint — [&BB0CAAA=]
There are usually quite a few trees in the area around the waypoint. Guardpoint Decimus Waypoint — [&BJgDAAA=]
Multiple trees on road east. Feritas Waypoint — [&BJcDAAA=]
Run east, usually trees there.
Miner Helliot Mine Waypoint — [&BEsBAAA=]
Rich iron above and to the south.
Memorial Waypoint — [&BKYDAAA=]
To the northeast.
Guild panel — Windswept Haven guild hall.
Forager Atholma Waypoint — [&BEMLAAA=]
Living World Season 4 A Bug in the System required. There are many vegetable fields east of the village.
Temple of Kormir Waypoint — [&BEAKAAA=]
North, jump into the canyon and try to avoid the Hydras. Brightwater Waypoint — [&BJEKAAA=]
6 Strawberry nodes above the small waterfall in the north end of the Pricklepatch Hollow cave.
Augury’s Shadow Waypoint — [&BFMKAAA=] Various plant nodes around the waypoint and
First Camp.
Highjump Ranch Waypoint — [&BJ0KAAA=]
No particular area, walk around the area in a circle.
Augury’s Shadow Waypoint — [&BFMKAAA=]
Head east to the Help Adisa collect Slivers of Vlast from veteran Branded (80) Heart. Mine any regular nodes, but also destroy the Brand Battleshards. Upon destruction they become gathering nodes that count toward the daily.
Destiny’s Gorge Waypoint — [&BJMKAAA=]
On the cliffs above the waypoint and further east towards Fortunate Strike mine. Springer mount will be useful to get there quickly.
Use Spearmarshal’s Plea for Griffon Sanctuary. A rich and a regular mithril node right by the sanctuary. There is also a rich orichalcum node just over the ridge to the north.
Amnoon Waypoint — [&BLsKAAA=]
South, much quicker to reach with Springer. Temple of Kormir Waypoint — [&BEAKAAA=]
West on the scaffolding. Use Spearmarshal’s Plea go to Griffon Sanctuary. North west.
Guild panel — Isle of Reflection guild hall.
Village Waypoint — [&BJ4MAAA=]
South of waypoint. West of Seitung Prison [&BMgMAAA=]
Arborstone Waypoint — [&BGMNAAA=]
Outside of Arborstone (The Echovald Wilds Exit). Lutgardis Plaza Waypoint — [&BCANAAA=]
South across the channel take a teleporter to “Ministry Ward: Eastern Gardens”, 6 nodes spread around the Garden of the Celestials.
Arborstone Waypoint — [&BGMNAAA=]
Outside of Arborstone (The Echovald Wilds Exit). Frozen Sea Waypoint — [&BPEMAAA=]
Exit the bluff and run north, multiple nodes around (and on the way to) Harvest Temple.
Monastery Waypoint — [&BL8MAAA=]
South. Village Waypoint — [&BJ4MAAA=]
South up the stairs.
Slayer Junkyard Waypoint — [&BIsMAAA=]
You can find spirits near Memorial zu Heltzer — [&BEwNAAA=]
Guild panel — Gilded Hollow and Lost Precipice guild halls.
Jaka Itzel Waypoint — [&BOAHAAA=]
Jump off the platform north of the waypoint, then fall and glide to the northeast-east, while avoiding the branches. Deep below, on the ground level there are 8 permanent Flax nodes.
Eastwatch Waypoint — [&BGwIAAA=]
Should be various nodes in the general area. However, lots of mobs around as well. Castaway Circus Waypoint — [&BHgJAAA=]
If you have Ember Bay unlocked, there are some nodes south of the waypoint (as well as other parts of the island).
Ley-Line Confluence Waypoint — [&BPUHAAA=]
Several nodes all around the waypoint. If not, try Rata Novus Lane, possible Rich Mithril Vein there north of Empty Rata Novus Golem Suit. Ground Zero Waypoint — [&BEEJAAA=]
Living World Season 3 Out of the Shadows required. Lots of Mithril and Bloodstone Crystals around the edges.
Jaka Itzel Waypoint — [&BOAHAAA=]
Next to the waypoint. Just climb the branch, you don’t actually need to jump to the Vista. Castaway Circus Waypoint — [&BHgJAAA=]
Next to the waypoint, just up a few steps.
Salma Waypoint — [&BC4DAAA=]
Salma District Human home instance with sufficient number of nodes with vistas to the north-east, north-west and west.
Forager Beetletun Waypoint — [&BPoAAAA=]
Run south, there are lettuce patches in the fields there.
Wynchona Rally Point Waypoint — [&BKgAAAA=]
There is always a lot of trees around this waypoint, especially to East. Arcallion Waypoint — [&BMMAAAA=]
Go South out the cave and West, there is usually a lot of trees. Lionbridge Waypoint — [&BJsDAAA=]
Some trees to the west and north.
Icegate Waypoint — [&BJMBAAA=]
Plenty of mining veins in the area, Rich Silver near the waypoint and Rich Iron to the east below Overlook Caverns. Cereboth Waypoint — [&BBIAAAA=]
Rich node, either Iron or Silver, in the cave at the bottom of the waterfall to the north. Phinney Waypoint — [&BPMAAAA=]
Run north, Rich Copper Vein under the hill with Ettin.
Beetletun Waypoint — [&BPoAAAA=]
To the southeast. Krytan Waypoint — [&BPgAAAA=]
West, up the hill.
Magicat Court Waypoint — [&BLQEAAA=]
Applied Development Lab Asura home instance with sufficient number of nodes with vista to the east. Ronan’s Waypoint — [&BLwEAAA=]
Dreamer’s Terrace Sylvari home instance with sufficient number of nodes with vista just to the south-east.
Akk Wilds Waypoint — [&BEIAAAA=]
To the North is a platform with a farm. Kraitbane Haven Waypoint — [&BEABAAA=]
A field of lettuce northwest of the waypoint, in The Rowanwoods.
Gauntlet Waypoint — [&BNMCAAA=]
Lots of nodes found south of the waypoint.
Gallowfields Waypoint — [&BGMAAAA=]
Rich Iron to the west, halfway down the canyon.
Apprentice Waypoint — [&BLcEAAA=]
North, jump up from the north side of the structure. Upper Commons Waypoint — [&BLoEAAA=]
Just run northeast, no jumping required.
Forager Vine Bridge Waypoint — [&BIYHAAA=]
North, at the skritt farm.
Camp Resolve Waypoint — [&BH8HAAA=]
No particular area, but follow the south path and look beyond the Red Rock Bastion.
Prosperity Waypoint — [&BHoHAAA=]
No particular area, just do a circle around Prospect Valley. There can be up to 3-4 wood nodes in both its eastern and western sides.
Camp Resolve Waypoint — [&BH8HAAA=]
Follow the south path west, usually a rich node near the Vinewrath area. Prosperity Waypoint — [&BHoHAAA=]
Many Mithril and Quartz nodes to the south.
Camp Resolve Waypoint — [&BH8HAAA=]
On top of the buildings to the west.
Forager Camp Reclamation Waypoint — [&BO8JAAA=]
Living World Season 3 One Path Ends required. Oysters and coral in the ocean north of the waypoint and below Pilaster Rock.
Plinth Timberland Waypoint — [&BFgGAAA=]
Several nodes south. There is a patch of 8 Artichokes to the northeast.
Pagga’s Waypoint — [&BKYCAAA=]
West there are loads of trees near the statue of Melandru. Camp Reclamation Waypoint — [&BO8JAAA=]
Living World Season 3 One Path Ends required. Plenty of trees around Camp Reclamation.
Waste Hollows Waypoint — [&BKgCAAA=]
Rich Mithril node on the rocks, north of waypoint to the north-east of Upsilon Test Facility – [&BJACAAA=]
Plinth Timberland Waypoint — [&BFgGAAA=]
Mithril nodes to the south all the way to Thunderhead Waypoint — [&BPACAAA=]. (There might be some in the Lightfoot Passage cave too).
Fort Trinity Waypoint — [&BO4CAAA=]
To the west, on the airship prow. Gavbeorn’s Waypoint — [&BBoDAAA=]
Up the wooden tower and coral. Easy with springer. Waypoint is sometimes contested. Camp Reclamation Waypoint — [&BO8JAAA=]
Living World Season 3 One Path Ends required. Very quick up the south tower with a springer. Otherwise the
Fort Trinity one is faster.
Great Lodge Waypoint — [&BNUDAAA=]
Hunter’s Hearth Norn home instance with sufficient number of nodes with vista outside to the north-east.
Sorrow’s Eclipse Waypoint — [&BH0JAAA=]
Living World Season 3 A Crack in the Ice required. Fresh Winterberries to the northwest.
Demon’s Maw Waypoint — [&BOYAAAA=]
Run north, 7 permanent grape nodes west of Greybeard’s Landing.
Valance Tutory Waypoint — [&BEwCAAA=]
There is a patch of 8 Cauliflower nodes on the mountainside west of the defunct Thistlereed Waypoint — [&BFECAAA=].
Serpent Waypoint — [&BEUCAAA=]
Up to five trees around the waypoint. If there aren’t enough trees, go to Gyre Rapids Waypoint — [&BEsCAAA=] as a backup.
Gyre Rapids Waypoint — [&BEsCAAA=]
Usually some trees around here. Earthshake Waypoint — [&BHoCAAA=]
There are usually some nodes to the west and northwest.
Snowhawk Landing Waypoint — [&BL8AAAA=]
There is a Rich Iron Vein in the cave to the south. Thistlereed Waypoint — [&BFECAAA=]
There is a Rich Platinum Vein in an underwater cave to the west.
Southern Watchpost Waypoint — [&BI4DAAA=]
North, one jump.